Product Name: Venac Eye Drops 0.1% 5ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack Size: 5ml
Marketed By: Vega Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
Generic Category: NSAID
Ingredients: Nepafenac
Storage Condition: Store at 2 – 8°C (Do not freeze)
Product Name: Venac Eye Drops 0.1% 5ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack Size: 5ml
Marketed By: Vega Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
Generic Category: NSAID
Ingredients: Nepafenac
Storage Condition: Store at 2 – 8°C (Do not freeze)
It is used for the treatment of inflammtion, pain etc
It can cause stinging, burning, irritation etc
Drug should not be use if you have allergic reactions persist