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Epokine Injection 4000 Iu 6’s


Product Name: Epokine Inj 4000IU 6PFS

Product Form: Injection

Pack Size: 6PFS

Marketed By: RG Pharmaecutica (Pvt) Ltd.

Generic Category: Erythropoietin Products

Ingredients: Epoetin Alfa

Storage Condition: Store at 2 – 80C (Do not freeze)

Side Effects

It can cause pyrexia, nausea, hypertension, cough, vomitting, rash, headache etc.


Use caution in hypertension, iron deficiency, folate or B12 deficiency, congestive heart failure (CHF), coronary artery disease (CAD), seizure disorder, sickle-cell disease, hemolytic anemia, porphyria, hematologic disorders


Pregnancy : Please consult your doctor when taking this medicine if you are pregnant.

Drugs to avoid : Drugs that may interact with this drug are Ramipril, Cyclosporine and Thalidomide.