DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal vision and brain function. Beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg or more of DHA. DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels. Beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 2g of DHA. Do not exceed supplement intake of 5g of EPA and DHA combined. Maternal intake contributes to the normal brain and eye development of the foetus and breastfed infants. Free of all known impurities such as dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs, furans, mercury and lead commonly found in fish oils.
What are DHA Forte capsules for?
Play a major role in maintaining the structure and function of the brain
Contribute to the maintanance of heart health
May help improve poor concentration and working memory
Beneficial to improve and maintain good vision
Beneficial to support healthy growth and development
Who are DHA Forte capsules for?
Children, to aid neural development and healthy brain function
Children who have trouble concentrating
Pregnant women to help ensure the healthy development of the foetus
Elderly people
Those who wish to maintain cardiovascular and nervous system health